Our team at Psychology Laboratory POMOCNIA offers you a wide range of psychological help you might need in English. We warmly welcome people of all ages from all nationalities. If you’re here now it could be that lately you either found yourself in a crisis or are wondering if you actually need a psychological consultation or a therapy or if it’s a right place or a right moment to do it. Maybe your concern refers to some member of your family or friend and you’re trying to find the best care for them. We hope that here you can find an answer for your concerns.

Our attitude towards every person is highly individual and we’re not using rigid patterns and tools. It’s highly important for us to provide psychological help for all people, that’s why all our offer is available also in English and there’s a possibility of appointment online. We offer psychological and sexological help for adult individuals, couples, children, teenagers and families. We believe that every person deserves to have a good, valuable life and we all are doing our best in order to make it happen. Naturally we all are going to get on our ways some obstacles which can be hard to deal with alone. Every one of us sometimes needs a helping hand along the way.

Psychological help might be helpful for you if:

  • you experience vague feeling of sadness for longer time and you ask yourself: am I depressed?
  • you feel like your life is a constant stress,
  • you feel forms of anxiety in everyday situations, maybe you experience specific kind of fear, for example you’re afraid of the crowds or a public transport, or you feel it in social situations,
  • you find yourself isolating from social life and you’re not sure if it’s what you really want for yourself,
  • you experienced forms of violence, discrimination, abuse or other situations violating your personal dignity or other human rights or you’re asking yourself: is that already a minority stress?
  • It’s hard for you to control your anger and it brings many costs to you and your relatives and friends,
  • you experiences sudden loss of somebody important in your life: you went through a breakup or you’re in a mourning,
  • you’d like to be a better friend/ partner/ parent,
  • you’d like to have better relations with other people, improve your communication skills, learn to understand and express your own needs and feelings,
  • you find yourself „doing the same mistakes on and on” which causes you suffer in the end and you don’t understand why it’s like that, because you feel like you’re doing everything you can,

  • you experienced some other crisis situation and you found yourself feeling trapped, like there’s no way out,
  • you have problems with falling asleep or you feel tired all the time,
  • you have troubles with self-regulation of your emotions – you’re concerned if your ways of dealing with stress are going to cause you more problems, for example you have unhealthy eating habits, compulsive behaviors, you hurt yourself anyhow,
  • you experience problems or you have doubts about your sexual life,
  • you find difficult experiencing your own sexual identity or sexual orientation,
  • you feel like something changed in the relationship with your partner, lately you have more conflicts, you find yourselves in difficult situation or you have doubts about continuing this relationship,

These and other experiences can make us feel like we need to talk with somebody who without judging, with full acceptance would help us to go through tough moments and support in finding the way of our life that we’d like to follow.

If you find it difficult to choose which form of psychological help you might need, you need more detailed information or you have any other questions, please contact our office. Our secretaries will answer all your questions.


ul. Śniadeckich 5/2,
Poznań Centrum




+48 795 795 202


Godz. przyjęć: pon – pt, 7:00 – 21:00
Godz. pracy sekretariatu: pon – pt, 12:00 – 17:00

O nas

Nasz zespół powstał dzięki przyjaźni i zrozumieniu jak ważna jest współpraca pomiędzy profesjonalnymi terapeutami o różnych specjalnościach. Ufamy, że różnorodność jaką proponujemy, może zaowocować dostępnością pomocy dla wielu osób o różnych potrzebach.

Znany Lekarz.

Pracownia Psychologiczna Pomocnia


Our psychological counseling center also offers services in English!In Pomocnia we support diversity, creating a space of acceptance and respect for every person, regardless of nationality, religion, sexual identity and other categories that divide us. Inclusiveness is a fundamental value at Pomocnia. You can feel safe with us - we don't judge our clients and are friendly to each person. Therefore, we welcome people from the LGBTQIA+ community, as well as followers of different religions, national minorities, expats living in Poland and all other people who need psychological support and psychotherapy in English or Polish.Our office staff will be happy to answer your questions, help you choose the right therapist and schedule an appointment. The office is available Monday-Friday from 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. Outside these hours - leave a text message or email, we will respond during business hours.☎ 795 795 202 lub 570 388 655💻 sekretariat@pomocnia-poznan.pl ... See MoreSee Less
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Druga część artykułu Karoliny Arczewskiej o czynnikach leczących w psychoterapii Gestalt już w naszej czytelni! Zainteresowanych zapraszamy do zapoznania się z tekstem. 📖Link znajdziecie w komentarzach pod postem. 👇☎️795 795 202 lub 570 388 655💻sekretariat@pomocnia-poznan.pl ... See MoreSee Less
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Inkluzywność - podstawowa wartość Pomocni. Uważamy, że w niepowtarzalności każdego człowieka leży największa wartość. To właśnie dlatego, że się od siebie różnimy, możemy stawać się sobą i rozwijać nasz wyjątkowy potencjał. W Pomocni wspieramy różnorodność, tworząc przestrzeń akceptacji i szacunku dla każdego człowieka, niezależnie od pochodzenia, narodowości, wyznania, tożsamości seksualnej i innych kategorii, które nas dzielą. Inkluzywność to w Pomocni fundamentalna wartość. Możesz czuć się u nas bezpiecznie - nie oceniamy naszych klientów i jesteśmy przyjaźni każdej osobie. Zapraszamy zatem osoby ze społeczności LGBTQIA+, jak i wyznawców różnych religii, mniejszości narodowe, ekspatów mieszkającym w Polsce i wszystkie inne osoby, które potrzebują wsparcia psychologicznego i psychoterapii. Pracownicy naszego sekretariatu chętnie odpowiedzą na Twoje pytania, pomogą wybrać odpowiedniego terapeutę i umówić spotkanie. Sekretariat działa od poniedziałku do piątku w godz. 12:00-17:00. Poza tymi godzinami zostaw SMSa lub maila, odpowiemy w godzinach pracy. :)☎️795 795 202 lub 570 388 655💻sekretariat@pomocnia-poznan.pl ... See MoreSee Less
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Poradnia Psychologiczna
Pomocnia Poznań

ul. Śniadeckich 5/2, 60-773 Poznań
nr tel. +48 795 795 202

© 2024 Pomocnia Poznań | wykonanie: alpa